

Let \(A(X)\) be a polynomial over \(\mathbb{F}_p\) with formal indeterminate \(X\). As an example,

A(X) = a_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + a_3 X^3

defines a degree-\(3\) polynomial. \(a_0\) is referred to as the constant term. Polynomials of
degree \(n-1\) have \(n\) coefficients.

(aside) Horner’s rule

Horner’s rule allows for efficient evaluation of a polynomial of degree \(n-1\), using
only \(n-1\) multiplications and \(n-1\) additions. It is the following identity:
$$\begin{aligned}a_0 &+ a_1X + a_2X^2 + \cdots + a_{n-1}X^{n-1} \ &= a_0 + X\bigg( a_1 + X \Big( a_2 + \cdots + X(a_{n-2} + X a_{n-1}) \Big)!\bigg),\end{aligned}$$

Quotient Poly

  1. divide the evaluation in each point & use iFFT to get the poly coefficients
  2. or, could use polynomial long division

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma informally states that “different polynomials are different at
most points.” Formally, it can be written as follows:

Let \(p(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n)\) be a nonzero polynomial of \(n\) variables with degree \(d\).
Let \(S\) be a finite set of numbers with at least \(d\) elements in it. If we choose random
\(\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \cdots, \alpha_n
\) from \(S\),
$$\text{Pr}[p(\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \cdots, \alpha_n) = 0] \leq \frac{d}{|S|}.$$

In the familiar univariate case \(p(X)\), this reduces to saying that a nonzero polynomial
of degree \(d\) has at most \(d\) roots.

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma is used in polynomial equality testing. Given two multi-variate
polynomials \(p_1(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\) and \(p_2(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\) of degrees \(d_1, d_2\)
respectively, we can test if
\(p_1(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n) - p_2(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n) = 0\) for random
\(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n \leftarrow S,\) where the size of \(S\) is at least
\(|S| \geq (d_1 + d_2).\) If the two polynomials are identical, this will always be true,
whereas if the two polynomials are different then the equality holds with probability at
most \(\frac{\max(d_1,d_2)}{|S|}\).

Vanishing polynomial

Consider the order-\(n\) multiplicative subgroup \(\mathcal{H}\) with primitive root of unity
\(\omega\). For all \(\omega^i \in \mathcal{H}, i \in [n-1],\) we have
\((\omega^i)^n = (\omega^n)^i = (\omega^0)^i = 1.\) In other words, every element of
\(\mathcal{H}\) fulfils the equation

Z_H(X) &= X^n - 1 \
&= (X-\omega^0)(X-\omega^1)(X-\omega^2)\cdots(X-\omega^{n-1}),

meaning every element is a root of \(Z_H(X).\) We call \(Z_H(X)\) the vanishing polynomial
over \(\mathcal{H}\) because it evaluates to zero on all elements of \(\mathcal{H}.\)

This comes in particularly handy when checking polynomial constraints. For instance, to
check that \(A(X) + B(X) = C(X)\) over \(\mathcal{H},\) we simply have to check that
\(A(X) + B(X) - C(X)\) is some multiple of \(Z_H(X)\). In other words, if dividing our
constraint by the vanishing polynomial still yields some polynomial
\(\frac{A(X) + B(X) - C(X)}{Z_H(X)} = H(X),\) we are satisfied that \(A(X) + B(X) - C(X) = 0\)
over \(\mathcal{H}.\)

Lagrange basis functions

Polynomials are commonly written in the monomial basis (e.g. \(X, X^2, … X^n)\). However,
when working over a multiplicative subgroup of order \(n\), we find a more natural expression
in the Lagrange basis.

Consider the order-\(n\) multiplicative subgroup \(\mathcal{H}\) with primitive root of unity
\(\omega\). The Lagrange basis corresponding to this subgroup is a set of functions
\(\mathcal{L_i}_{i = 0}^{n-1}\)

\mathcal{L_i}(\omega^j) = \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if } i = j, \
0 & \text{otherwise.}

We can write this more compactly as \(\mathcal{L_i}(\omega^j) = \delta_{ij},\) where
\(\delta\) is the Kronecker delta function.

Now, we can write our polynomial as a linear combination of Lagrange basis functions,

$$A(X) = \sum_{i = 0}^{n-1} a_i\mathcal{L_i}(X), X \in \mathcal{H},$$

which is equivalent to saying that \(A(X)\) evaluates to \(a_0\) at \(\omega^0\),
to \(a_1\) at \(\omega^1\), to \(a_2\) at \(\omega^2, \cdots,\) and so on.

When working over a multiplicative subgroup, the Lagrange basis function has a convenient
sparse representation of the form

\mathcal{L}_i(X) = \frac{c_i\cdot(X^{n} - 1)}{X - \omega^i},

where \(c_i\) is the barycentric weight. (To understand how this form was derived, refer to
[^barycentric].) For \(i = 0,\) we have
\(c = 1/n \implies \mathcal{L}_0(X) = \frac{1}{n} \frac{(X^{n} - 1)}{X - 1}\).

Suppose we are given a set of evaluation points \({x_0, x_1, \cdots, x_{n-1}}\).
Since we cannot assume that the \(x_i\)’s form a multiplicative subgroup, we consider also
the Lagrange polynomials \(\mathcal{L}_i\)’s in the general case. Then we can construct:

\mathcal{L}i(X) = \prod{j\neq i}\frac{X - x_j}{x_i - x_j}, i \in [0..n-1].

Here, every \(X = x_j \neq x_i\) will produce a zero numerator term \((x_j - x_j),\) causing
the whole product to evaluate to zero. On the other hand, \(X= x_i\) will evaluate to
\(\frac{x_i - x_j}{x_i - x_j}\) at every term, resulting in an overall product of one. This
gives the desired Kronecker delta behaviour \(\mathcal{L_i}(x_j) = \delta_{ij}\) on the
set \({x_0, x_1, \cdots, x_{n-1}}\).

Lagrange interpolation

Given a polynomial in its evaluation representation

$$A: {(x_0, A(x_0)), (x_1, A(x_1)), \cdots, (x_{n-1}, A(x_{n-1}))},$$

we can reconstruct its coefficient form in the Lagrange basis:

$$A(X) = \sum_{i = 0}^{n-1} A(x_i)\mathcal{L_i}(X), $$

where \(X \in {x_0, x_1,\cdots, x_{n-1}}.\)
