multi scalar multiplication (MSM)


Let \( \mathbb{G}\) be a group of order \(p=2^{\lambda}\)(\(\lambda\) would be the number of bits of the prime). Give \(n\) scalars \(e_i\) and \(n\) EC points \(P_i\), calculate \(P\) such that
\[ P = \sum_{i=0}^{n}e_i P_i \]

naive approach

Let \(e_i = e_{i,\lambda -1} e_{i,\lambda -2} …e_{i,0} \), where each \(e_{i,j} \in 0,1\).
We have
\[ e_i = e_{i,\lambda-1}\cdot2^{\lambda-1} + e_{i, \lambda-2}\cdot2^{\lambda-2} + …+e_{i,0}\cdot2^0\]
To compute \(e_i \cdot p_i\), we can compute \(2^0 \cdot p_i,2^1 \cdot p_i,…,2^{\lambda-1} \cdot p_i \). Then, we simply add them up to get \(e_i \cdot p_i\). Here, we need \(\lambda -1\) squarings (multiplication by 2) and \(\lambda-1\) additions.
To computing \(e_1\cdot p_1, e_2 \cdot p_2, …, e_{N-1}\cdot p_{N-1}\), we need \(N\cdot(\lambda-1)\) squarings and \(N\cdot(\lambda-1)\) additions.

We additionally need \(N-1\) additions to sum \(e_i\cdot p_i\) into \(P\).
In total, weed \(N\cdot(\lambda-1)\) squarings and \(N\cdot\lambda=1\) additions

pippenger approach

at a high level, Pippenger approach divides \(\lambda\) bits into num_window (\(=\frac{\lambda}{c}\)) bit windows where each bit window has \(c\) bits. \(c\) is also called “window size”.

Part I (computation for each window)

Initialize a vector window_res = [0,0,...,0] of length num_window.
For the w-th window:

  • Initialize a vector buckets=[0,0,...,0] of length num_buckets = \( 2^c -1 \).
  • Get the start_idx of the current window, say \(M\). Remember that we are considering a c-bit window out of \(\lambda\)-bit fields
  • for each pair of \((e_i, g_i)\)
    • Get the bits in scalar \(e_i\) correspondign to the current window. Formally, we have scalar = \((e_i >> M) \mod 2^c\).
    • If scalar \(\ne 0\), we have buckets[scalar-1] += \(p_i\)
  • Initialize tmp = 0
  • For j in \(2^c-1\) to 1:
    tmp= tmp+buckets[j]
  • window_res[w] = tmp

Part II (sum over all windows)

lowest = window_res[0]
total = 0
for w in num_window -1 to 1:
total += window_res[w]
for _ in 0..c:
total = total + total // shift left c bits.
total = total + lowest

total is the final result

In Part I, for each window, we need \(N+2^c\) additions. Since we have \(\frac{\lambda}{c}\) windows, we need \((N+2^{\lambda}*\frac{\lambda}{c})\) additions.

In Part II, we need 1 addition and c squarings for each window.
In total, we need \(\frac{\lambda}{c}\cdot(N+2^c+1)\) additions and \(\lambda\) squarings.

In Arkworks implementation, c is set to be \(ln(N)+2\).
For notation simplicity, let’s set c to be \(log2(N)\). Then, the computation complexity of Pippenger’s algorithm is \(\frac{2N\lambda}{log2(N)}+1\) additions and \(\lambda\) squarings
Since \(\lambda\) is a constant for a elliptic curve, people usually say that pippenger has a time complexity of \(O(\frac{N}{log(N)})\)
