PLONK, standing for the unwieldy quasi-backronym “Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge”. PLONK still requires a “universal and updateable” trusted setup, meaning each program share the same setup. Secondly, there is a way for multiple parties to participate in the trusted setup such that it is secure as long as any one of them is honest.
observation 1
a key fact: for non-zero \( f \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le d}[X]\)
for \( r \leftarrow \mathbb{F_p}: Pr[f(r) = 0] \le d/p\)
understanding: polynomial \(f\) contains at most \(d\) roots of zeros.
suppose \( p \approx 2^{256}\) and \( d \approx 2^{40}\) then \(d/p\) is negligible.
Therefore, for random \( r \leftarrow \mathbb{F_p}\) if \(f(r) = 0\) then \(f\) is identically zero w.h.p (with high probability)
=> a simple zero test for a committed polynomial
Note SZDL lemma: this also holds for multivariate polynomials (where d is total degree of f)
observation 2
let \(f,g \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le d}[X]\).
for \( r \leftarrow \mathbb{F_p}\), if \(f(r) = g(r)\), then \(f = g\) w.h.p
\(f(r)-g(r)=0\) => \(f-g=0\) w.h.p
=> a simple equality test for two committed polynomials
useful proof gadgets
1. zero test
let \( \omega \in \mathbb{F_p} \) be a primitive k-th root of unity \(( \omega ^{k} = 1)\)
set \( H:= \{1,\omega,\omega^2,\omega^3,…,\omega^{k-1}\} \subseteq \mathbb{F_p} \)
let \( f \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le d}[X]\) and \( b, c \in \mathbb{F_p}\) \((d \ge k)\)
task: prove that \(f\) is identically zero on \(H\)
info the box of \(f\) means the commitment of polynomial \(f\), i.e \(com_f\)
2. product check
product check on \(\Omega: \quad \prod_{a\in \Omega} f(a) = 1\)
Set \( t \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le k}[X]\) to be the degree-k polynomial:
\[ t(1) = f(\omega^0) = f(1), \quad t(\omega^s) = \prod_{i=0}^{s}f(\omega^{i}) \quad for \quad s = 1,…, k-1\]
\(t(\omega) = f(1) \cdot f(\omega), \quad t(\omega^2) = f(1) \cdot f(\omega) \cdot f(\omega^2), … \)
\(t( \omega^{k-1}) = \prod_{a \in \Omega}f(a) = 1\)
and \( t(\omega \cdot x) = t(x) \cdot f(\omega \cdot x) \) for all \(x \in \Omega \) (including at \(x = \omega^{k-1}\))
Same works for rational functions: \( \prod_{a \in \Omega}{f/g}(a) =1 \)
The proof is similar
3. permutation check
let \(f,g\) be polynomials in \(\mathbb{F_p}^{\le d}[X]\). Verifier has \(com_f, com_g\).
Prover wants to prove that \((f(1),f(\omega^1),f(\omega^2),…,f(\omega^{k-1})) \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le k}[X]\) is a permutaion of \((g(1),g(\omega^1),g(\omega^2),…,g(\omega^{k-1})) \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le k}[X]\)
4. prescribed permutation check
PLONK: a poly-IOP for a general circuit C(x,w)
step 1: compile circuit to a computation trace (gate fan-in = 2)
and encode the trace as polynomial
let \(|C|\) be the total number of gates, \(|I| := |I_x| + |I_w|\) be total number of inputs, where \(|I_x|\) is the number of public inputs, \(I_w\) is the number of private inputs.
Let \(d=3*|C|+|I|\) and \( \Omega=\{1,\omega,\omega^2,\omega^3,…,\omega^{d-1}\} \)
prover interpolates \( T \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le d}[X]\) such that
- T encodes all inputs: \( T(\omega^{-j}) \)= input #j, for j = 1,…,|I|
- T encodes all wires:
\(LeftInput=f(\omega^{3l})\), \( RightInput=f(\omega^{3l+1})\), \(Output=f(\omega^{3l+2})\), for \(l = 0,1,…, |C| -1\)
For the example,
\(x_1= 5 = T(\omega^9)\), \(x_2= 6 = T(\omega^{10})\), and \(w_1 = 1=T(\omega^{11})\)
\(5=T(\omega^0)\), \(6=T(\omega^{1})\), and \(11=T(\omega^{2})\)
\(6=T(\omega^3)\), \(1=T(\omega^{4})\), and \(7=T(\omega^{5})\)
\(11=T(\omega^6)\), \(7=T(\omega^{7})\), and \(77=T(\omega^{8})\)
step 2: proving validity of T
Prover needs to prove 4 things
- \(T(x)\) encodes the correct public inputs
Both prover and verifier interpolate a polynomial \( v(x) \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le |I_x|}[X]\)
that encodes the \(x\)-inputs to the circuit:
\(v(\omega^{-j}) =\) input #j, for \(j = 1, …, |I_x|\)
In our example, \(v(\omega^{-1} = 5), v(\omega^{-2} = 6)\)
Let \( \Omega_{inp}=\{\omega^{-1},\omega^{-2},…,\omega^{-|I_x|}\} \)
Prover proves by using a ZeroTest on \(\Omega_inp\) to prove that
\[T(y) - v(y) =0 \quad \forall y \in \Omega_{inp}\] - every gate is evaluated correctly
Idea encode gate types using a selector polynomial \(S(X)\)
define \(S(X) \in \mathbb{F_p}^{\le d}[X]\) such that \( \forall l = 0, …, |C| -1\):
- \(S(\omega^{3l}) =1\) if gate #l is an addition gate
- \(S(\omega^{3l}) =0\) if gate #l is a multiplication gate
Then, \( \forall y \in \Omega_{gates} : = \{1,\omega^{3},\omega^{6},…,\omega^{3(|C|-1)}\} \)
\(S(y) \cdot [T(y) + T(\omega y)] + (1-S(y))\cdot T(y) \cdot T(\omega y) = T(\omega^2 y)\)
- the wiring is implemented correctly (coppy constraint)
note: 9 is actually -1, 10 is -2, 11 is -3
Define a polynomial \(W: \Omega -> \Omega\) that implemnets a rotation
\( W(\omega^{10}, \omega^1, \omega^3) =(\omega^1, \omega^3, \omega^{10}) \), \(W(\omega^{9}, \omega^0)=(\omega^0, \omega^{9})\), …
Lemma: \(\forall y \in \Omega: T(y) = T(W(y))\) => wire constraints are satisfied
This could be proved using a prescribed permutation check
- the output of last gate is 0
this is to prove \(T(\omega^8) -77 = 0\)
custom gate
\(u, v, w, t, r\) are polynomials represent input variables (row number is the gate number). in the Add
, Mul
only circuits, there are only two inputs, namely LeftInput
and RightInput
. Hoever, here there are multiple inputs for custom gate.
In the above example, it is a constraint for \( v_4 + w_3 \cdot t_3 - t_4 = 0 \)
plonkup is to ensure some values are in a pre-defined list. for example
x1 | x2 | x3 | Output |
\(a_{1,1}\) | \(a_{1,2}\) | \(a_{1,3}\) | \(a_{1,4}\) |
\(a_{2,1}\) | \(a_{2,2}\) | \(a_{2,3}\) | \(a_{2,4}\) |
… | … | … | … |
\(a_{n,1}\) | \(a_{n,2}\) | \(a_{n,3}\) | \(a_{n,4}\) |
\(n\) is gate number. the task is to prove a vector