Danksharding is central to Ethereum’s rollup-centric roadmap. The idea is to provide space for large blobs of data, which are verifiable and available, without attempting to interpret them.
All references to EC, in this report, refer to BLS12_381 [1]. We are mainly concerned with the EC Abelian-group \(\mathbb{G_{1}}\) and the EC scalar-field \(F_r\). Both are of size \(r < 2256\). Note that \(2^{32}\) divides the size of the multiplicative-group in \(F_r\)
Data organization
The input data consists of n = 256 shard-blobs. Each shard-blob is a vector of m = 4096 field-elements referred-to as symbols. The data symbols are organized in an n × m input
D_{n x m}^{in} =
d(0,0) & d(0,1) & \dots & d(0,m-1)\\
d(1,0) & d(1,1) & \dots & d(1,m-1)\\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
d(n-1,0) & d(n-1,1) & \dots & d(n-1,m-1)
where each row is one of the shard-blob vectors [2]
In order to enable interpolation and polynomial-commitment to the data, we will pro-
ceed to treat the data symbols as polynomial evaluations.
Let us thus associate each domain location in the input matrix with a field-element pair \(u_{\mu}, \omega_{\eta}\), where \(\mu \in [0, n−1], \eta \in [0, m−1]\) correspond to the row and column indexes, respectively.The row field-element is defined as \( u_{\mu} \equiv u^{rbo(\mu)}\), where u is a 2n’th root-of-unity such that \(u^{2n} = 1\). The column field-element is defined as \( \omega_{\eta} \equiv \omega^{rbo(\eta)}\), where \(\omega\) is a 2m’th root-of-unity such that \(\omega^{2m} = 1\). Using reverse-bit-order ordering rather than natural-ordering allows accessing cosets in block (consecutive) rather than interleaved manner
coefficients extraction
Taking the data symbols to be evaluations of a 2D-polynomial or 1D-product-polynomials with row degree n−1 and column degree m−1 uniquely defines the polynomials’ coefficients.
2D coeficients extraction
The 2D-polynomial representing the input data can be expressed as
\[\tag{2} d(x,y) \equiv \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\sum_{j=0}^{m-1} \hat{c}[i,j] x^{i}y^{j}\]
Plugging an evaluation from (1) into (2) results in the following:
\[\tag{3} d(u_{\mu},\omega_{\eta}) \equiv \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\sum_{j=0}^{m-1} \hat{c}[i,j] {u_{\mu}}^{i}{\omega_{\eta}}^{j}\]
[1] Ben Edgington. Bls12-381 for the rest of us.
[2] Dankrad Feist. Data availability encoding.