cryptography (1) group & field


a group is a set of elements \( G \) together with an operation \( \circ \). a group has the following properties

  1. the group operation \( \circ \) is closed. that is, for all \( a,b, \in G \), it holds that \( a \circ b = c \in G \)
  2. the group operation is associative. That is, \( a \circ (b \circ c) = (a \circ b) \circ c \) for all \( a,b,c \in G \)
  3. there is an element \( 1 \in G \), called the neutral element (or identity element), such that \( a \circ \ = 1 \circ a\) for all \( a \in G \)
  4. For each \( a \in G \) there exists an element \( a^{-1} \in G\), called the inverse of a, such that \( a \circ a^{-1} = 1 \).
  5. a group G is abelian (or commutative) if, furthermore, \( a \circ b = b \circ a \) for all \( a, b \in G \)

Example of Group

the set of integers \( Z_{m} = 0,1,…,m-1 \) and the operation addition modulo \( m \) forma group with the neutral element 0. every element \( a \) has an inverse \( -a \). note that this set does not form a group with the operation multiplication gecause mose eleents \( a \) do not have an inverse such that \( a a^{-1} = 1 \bmod m\).

In order to have all four basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) in one structure, we need a set which contains an additive and a multiplicative group. this is what we call a field.


A field is a set of elements with the following properties

  • all elements of \( F\) form an additive group with the group operation \( + \) and the neutral element \( 0 \)
  • all element of \( F \) except \( 0 \) form a multiplicative group with the gorup operation \( x \) and the neutral element \( 1 \) .
  • when the two group operations are mixed, the distributivety law holds, i.e., for all \( a,b,c \in F: a(b+c) = (ab) + (ac) \)

Example of Field

the set \( R \) of real numbers is a field with the neutral element 0 for the additive group and the neutral element 1 for the multiplicative group. every real number \( a \) has an additive inverse, namely \( -a \), and every nonzero element \( a \) has a multiplicative inverse \( 1 \div a \)

Galois Field

In cryptography, we are almose always interested in fields with a finite number of elements, which we call finite fields or Galois field. the number of elements in the field is called the order or cardinality of the field. Of fundamental importance is the following theorem

a field with order m only exists if m is a prime power, i.e, \( m = p^{n} \), for some positive integer n and prime integer p. p is called the characteristic of the finite field

the theorem implies that there are, for instance, finite fields with 11 elements (\( 11^{1} \)), or with 81 elements \( 81 = 3^{4} \) or with 256 elements (\( 256 = 2^{8} \)).

Prime Field

the most intuitive examples of finite fields are fields of prime order, i.e., fields with \( n =1 \). elements of the field \( GF(p) \) can be represented by integers \( 0,1,…, p-1 \).

Extension Field GF(2^m)

In AES the finite field contains 256 elements and is denoted as \( GF(2^8) \).
However, if the order of a finite field is not prime, and \( 2^8 \) is clearly not a prime, the addition and multiplication operation cannot be represented by addition and multiplication of integers modulo \( 2^8 \). such fields with \( m >1 \) are called extension field. in order to deal with extension fields we need (1) a different notation for field elements and (2) different rules for performing arithmetic with the elements. elements of extension fields can be represented as polynomials, and computation in the extension field is achieved by performing a certain type of polynomial arithmetic.

In the field \( GF(2^8) \), which is used in AES, each element \( A \in GF(2^8) \) is thus represented as:
\[ A(x) = a_{7}x^7 + …+a_{1}x+a_{0}, a_{i} \in GF(2) = {0,1} \]
It is also important to observe that every polynomial can simply be stored in digital form as an 8-bit vector
\[ A = (a_7,a_6,a_5,a_4,a_3,a_2,a_1,a_0) \]

addition and subtraction in GF(2^m)

addition and subtraction are simply achieved by performing polynomial addition and subtraction. note that we perform modulo 2 addition (or subtraction) with the coefficients.
\[ A(x) = x^7 + x^6 + x^4 + 1 \]
\[ B(x) = x^4 + x^2+ 1 \]
\[ A(x) + B(x) = x^7 + x^6+ x^2 \]

multiplication in GF(2^m)

firstly, two elements (represented by their polynomials) of a finite field GF(2^m) are multiplied usig the standard polynomial multiplication rule \[ A(x) \dot B(x) = C(x) \]. In general, the product polynomial \[ C(x) \] will have a degree higher than m-1 and has to be reduced. to do that, the product of the multiplication is divided by a certain polyhomial, and we consider only the remainder after the polynomial division. we need irreducible polynomials for the module reduction. irreducible polynomials are roughly comparable to prime numbers. their only factors are 1 and polynomial itself.
Thus, every field GF(2^m) requires an irreducible polynomial P(x) of degree m.
For AES, the irreducible polynomial is
\[ P(x) = x^8 + x^4+ x^3 +x + 1 \]
the main algorithm for computing multiplicative inverse is the extended Euclidean algorithm, which is introduced in other posts.